rich babyboom en diversificatie πŸ‘ΆπŸΌ

De Wall Street Journal kondigde aan dat er een pak minder geboortes zullen zijn in 2021 dan oorspronkelijk geschat. Tot 8% in China en een vergelijkbaar percentage in de US en EMEA. Op z’n minst verrassend, gezien de vele Corona-Babyboom verhaaltjes en mopjes die we zagen verschijnen de afgelopen 9 maanden. "There's so much video calling going... Lees verder →

lacosteveel 🐊

Are big brands too expensive? As many brands are doing cool stuff to boost diversity, charities and inclusiveness, many/most still face a business reality: Premium pricing for premium (or at least A-list) brands is here to stay. For many people, and for a relatively growing ammount of people, premium pricing isn’t something they can afford.... Lees verder →

shape by aspiration, not by trauma

The above title is the one particular bit in this report that really struck a nerve. (You’ll need to leave some data to download the β€˜best global brands report’ from interbrands > it’s awesome) In times like this, this is the most difficult, but maybe most important take-away for brands and businesses.Yes, the (covid) situation today needs... Lees verder →

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